Plus Size Actors & The Characters They Portray

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Plus Size Actors & The Characters They Portray

Raise your hand if you’ve ever seen a movie, watched a TV show or read a book that had a “fat” character in it who was used solely for comic relief.

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Now, raise your hand if you’ve seen a movie or watched a TV show where a plus size actor played a character and their weight and size wasn’t mentioned once. A character who was not used as comic relief, as a disgusting prop, or as a villain. Or how about a book where the only time it was mentioned that they were plus sized was during the description and then it was never mentioned again. No fat jokes, no self degradation, no scenes where they are having to defend their right to be respected.

class stare question deep crickets

Yeah, I couldn’t think of one example either.

Out of all the hundreds of thousands of movies, TV shows and books I’ve consumed in my lifetime I’ve never once come across a plus size character who was just a normal character. No fat jokes, no disgust, no mention of weight or size what so ever.

At this point in my life when I see a plus sized character I automatically assume that they will be the “comic relief” or will constantly have to defend the fact that they are worthy of respect and I’m tired of it.

Not to mention they are usually the goofy best friend, the outcast, the villain, or literally labeled “fat guy”. It’s rare to see plus sized people in leading roles and even more rare for those roles to be deep, provocative and “weight free”.

I’m tired of fat characters being the butt of everyone’s joke.

I’m tired of seeing them portrayed as the villain, the slob, the person to be hated or pitied.

I’m tired of seeing fat characters berate themselves, to act as though they are not worthy of respect.

And please, Dear God, someone tell me why the idea of seeing a fat person naked is gross?! Like plus size body parts are downright fowl.

Come on people.

Grow up.

You, personally, might not be attracted to fat bodies but that doesn’t make them gross, disgusting or fowl. It doesn’t make them worthy of your hatred and disrespect.

I want to watch a movie or TV show or read a book where fat people are shown as confident, worthy, sexy and respected without having to address the stigma that goes with the size.

Stop the cliches, stop the worn out stereotypical characters.

Give me 3 dimensional characters with depth for all body sizes.

I know what some of your are thinking, “Fat people are treated this way in real life so why shouldn’t Hollywood portray that?”

It’s one thing to portray real life, it’s another to perpetuate a hatred that should have no place in our society.

Why do we feel the need to make fun of people who look different than us?

Why, as a society, do we feel we have the right to judge someone based on their size, weight, color of their skin or way of dressing?

Why are we all so fixated on fat? Being fat, getting rid of fat, making fun of fat, etc…

How can we help Hollywood and society as a whole see that we are ready to grow up?

We are a visual society that follows the trendy way of thinking. Shallow but it’s the truth. If we want to change the way we treat plus size people we need to see it acted out for us. A change needs to happen and for that change to be accepted into mainstream thinking it must first be portrayed in books, movies, TV and social media. This isn’t going to happen unless publishing houses and production companies see a demand for it. So that’s what we must do.

Demand the end of fat characters and the rise of  deep 3 dimensional characters who are free of worn out stereotypes! 

Write to production companies, publishing houses, editors, directors and actors. Tell them what you are looking for.

Start a twitter campaign and tag plus size actors. Let them know you are ready to see them in better roles. Believe me, they are ready too.

Support the people who are trying to make this change happen by seeing their movies and TV shows or reading their books that portray plus size characters as characters and nothing more.

Be the change you wish to see in this world… How? By not laughing or partaking in the fat jokes, by not judging others based on their body type or appearance.

You might be thinking, “But it’s good to make fun of yourself every once in awhile so that you don’t take things too seriously.” Why? By being the first one to make fun of yourself you are just perpetuating the belief that it’s OK to do this.

Example: “It’s OK to make fun of fat people because they make fun of themselves. Even they realize how funny and disgusting they look.”

I know, this is an impossible thing I’m asking. But remember, every change seems impossible until its done and believe me, this change will happen. It’s already happening on social media. Don’t let this momentum die.

Fan this movement into a roaring fire that will burn down the need to fat shame. 


Stay Tuned

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Wednesday @ 9am “Past RITA Winners Worth Your Money”

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  • What are your thoughts and opinions on the subject?
  • Would you like to see a post listing positive plus size characters in movies, tv shows and books?
  • Do you know of any positive plus size characters that you’d like to mention?

10 responses to “Plus Size Actors & The Characters They Portray”

  1. annabowling Avatar

    One of the things that disappointed me most about the short-lived TV series, Alcatraz, was the missed opportunity for an amazing ship. Jorge Garcia is a wonderful actor, who played a complex and interesting character, Diego Soto, investigator, genius, comic book enthusiast, snappy dresser, and, yes, plus sized. HIs first interaction with series heroine, blonde and beautiful homicide detective, Rebecca Madsen, played by Sarah Jones, has him proposing marriage to her, based on his admiration for her comics acumen. From that alone, I wanted to see a romance, which, perhaps due to the show not being renewed, didn’t happen, but the question is, why *couldn’t* there be any romantic interest there? Both actors could have sold the ship, big time. The shape of a body has nothing to do with the heart, mind and soul inside it.

    1. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

      I’ve never seen or even heard of a TV show called Alcatraz. Now I’m intrigued. I wonder if I can find it online?

      1. annabowling Avatar

        Here’s a link to the trailer. It’s mostly plot/premise heavy, but we do get to see both leads.

        Looks like all aired episodes can be purchased, which I might consider doing.

      2. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

        Thanks Anna 🙂

  2. midcenturycurves Avatar

    Great post! Can’t wait to hear more from you.

    1. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

      Thanks 🙂 I post plus size/body confidence articles every Friday under #curvyliving. I do articles on writing every Monday under #curvywriter and bookish stuff (emphasis on romance) every Wednesday under #curvyreader.

      1. midcenturycurves Avatar

        Awesome! I have only been writing on this blog for about a month, and I post about plus size fashion for women my age. 🙂

      2. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

        Awesome! I can’t wait to check out your site.

  3. David Avatar

    Well said, I agree!

  4. […] Friday @ 9am “Plus Size Actresses & The Characters They Portray“ […]

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