Introducing Twitter Analytics!

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Introducing Twitter Analytics

Twitter Analytics has finally arrived! 

Gone are the days of needing a 3rd party site to track clicks and engagement data from your twitter account to your website.

Now all you need to do is go to Twitter Analytics to see a detailed report of the following:

  • a “Dashboard” of your tweets from the last 28 days that shows the number of impressions and engagements from each tweet.
    • Impressions – the total number of people who saw your tweet in their feeds
    • Engagements – the total number of times people clicked on your tweet (clicking on your username, clicking to expand the tweet, clicking the attached link, retweeting, favoriting, and clicking “follow”)
  • Graphs that show the percentages of your engagement rates, link clicks, retweets, favorites and replies over a span of 28 days.
  • You can switch what to view on your dashboard by clicking the following tabs: Tweets, Followers and Twitter Cards.
  • In the Tweet section you can view each individual tweet you have tweeted and retweeted and how each performed.
  • In the Followers section you can view a graph of your followers (whether the number has risen or gone down), what they are interested in, where they live, what their gender is and who they also follow.
  • In the Twitter Cards section you can view a snapshot of tweets with your twitter cards that drove URL clicks, a graph of how tweets with your twitter cards affected your impressions and clicks and a list of your top performing twitter cards. At the bottom they also list your top Influencers (people who tweeted links to your content) and what sources they tweeted from.
    • Twitter Cards – Twitter cards make it possible for you to attach media experiences to Tweets that link to your content. Simply add a few lines of HTML to your webpages, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a “card” added to the Tweet that’s visible to all of their followers.
  • At the top right hand corner there is a button titled “Export Data” and it will send your data neatly arranged into an Excel Spreadsheet for easy reference.

Why is this helpful for writers and authors?

Social media is the key to reaching our readers on a more personal level and to have our blog content and published works brought to their attention.

It’s a waste of time and effort to just haphazardly post every once and awhile.

If you really want to get the most that you can get out of your efforts then you need to take the time to:

  1. know who your audience is
  2. where they are from
  3. what they are interested in
  4. what posts they like
  5. what type of posts they share and engage with.

Twitter Analytics makes analyzing all that important data simple and quick.

It’s 100% essential if you want to be a smart poster on twitter and I, for one, am glad that it is now available to everyone.

Don’t waste another minute. If you haven’t already checked yours out, do so now!

Click here for  your Twitter Analytics report.

2 responses to “Introducing Twitter Analytics!”

  1. danijace Avatar

    I just found Twitter Analytics the other day when messing around on Twitter. Great post!

    1. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

      It’s amazing! I have it saved on my desktop and check it at least a couple times a day to see which posts are reaching my followers and which aren’t.

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