365 Blog Post Ideas for Authors and Writers

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365 Blog Post Ideas for Authors and Writers


For The Fans/Readers

  1. Write reviews of books you’ve read for fun
  2. Write reviews of books you’ve read in the current genre you write in
  3. Write about what a typical day is like for you
  4. Talk about tips, tricks, and tools that help keep your life organized
  5. List story ideas you hope to tackle in the future
  6. Describe your perfect weekend.
  7. Talk about past holidays (during a time when that holiday is coming up)
  8. Share past holiday photos, traditions and stories.
  9. Talk about your favorite TV shows and what you love about them.
  10. List your all time favorite actors and why you like them.
  11. List your all time favorite bands, songs, and/or musicians and why you like them.
  12. Post excerpts from completed and published books
  13. Post book blurbs from upcoming books
  14. Post teasers of upcoming books and WIP’s
  15. Interview your characters so that your fans get to know them better
  16. Host an open discussion about the book industry from a readers perspective
  17. Host an open discussion about what a reader wants from an author, book and/or series.
  18. List your favorite Author Blogs
  19. List your Favorite Book Review Blogs
  20. Talk about what show from your childhood would you love to bring back and why
  21. Talk about if someone gave you a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why
  22. Talk about the best vacation you’ve ever had in your entire life, explain why it is and post pictures if you can
  23. Describe what your favorite rainy day activity
  24. Talk about if you could be any age again for a day, what age would it be and why
  25. Post a photo that represents your fantasy _______
  26. Talk about which of the four seasons you prefer and why
  27. Talk about if you could witness one moment in history what would it be and why
  28. Create a dream cast of actors for your books
  29. List the first 5 things you would do if you suddenly had millions of dollars
  30. List your favorite foods you just couldn’t live without
  31. List your least favorite foods and why
  32. List the people in your life you couldn’t live without and why
  33. Share your favorite reader resources, websites, and apps
  34. Post background info on your most popular characters or stories
  35. Post and interview of some of your blog followers who comment the most.
  36. Interview a fan about their favorite book of yours
  37. Feature your favorite reviews of one of your books
  38. List websites/tools that will help you find your next book to read
  39. Post a funny cartoon about reading
  40. Post a funny GIF about reading
  41. Post a funny song about reading
  42. Post a funny video about reading
  43. List your personal goals for the coming year
  44. A letter from an author (you) to the readers (your fans)
  45. Have an open discussion about the types of merchandise your fans want
  46. Hold a competition for your fans on designs for certain merchandises.
  47. Hold a competition for your fans on who can design the best book cover
  48. Run a fan contest for free books and/or merchandise
  49. Try your hand at writing a poem for your fans
  50. Share your current favorite song of the day and/or week.
  51. Share a To-Do list for your daily life
  52. Take some time out to thank your readers/fans/followers
  53. Make a list of apps for readers and review them
  54. Make a list of podcasts for readers
  55. Talk about book clubs and where to find them
  56. Have an open discussion about what your readers what to see next from you
  57. List events for readers in your genre
  58. List events for readers in your niche
  59. Highlight amazing libraries around the world
  60. Show pictures of amazing reading nooks and book spaces
  61. Talk about the worst day in your life so far
  62. Talk about the best day in your life so far
  63. Share your most embarrassing experience
  64. List great magazines for readers
  65. Talk about your astrological sign and if the description fits you
  66. Let your fans know what hashtags to follow to get information on your books
  67. Ask fans to create their own book trailer of one of your books
  68. Have fans show pictures of who they see as a representation of one of your characters
  69. List places to find free e-books in your genre
  70. Ask your readers if they would like to see a continuation or spin off  of one of your stories
  71. Ask your readers to describe a book they are dying to read and haven’t found yet
  72. Talk about your family background/ancestors and how they have shaped who you are today
  73. Ask your readers what they love most in a story
  74. Ask your readers what they hate most when reading a story
  75. List magazine that pertain to your niche
  76. Do a blog tour
  77. List all the different ways your fans can find and buy your books
  78. List all the different ways your fans can find and buy your merchandise
  79. How to get your local library to order the books you are interested in
  80. Ask your fans if they would like to see any of your books turned into movies or tv shows
  81. Ask your fans which movies or tv shows that came from books they liked or hated and why
  82. Ask your fans/reader who would like to be a part of your street team
  83. Run story ideas by your fans/readers and ask their opinions on them
  84. Create a list of books that are based off of certain holidays, situation, etc…
  85. Take a poll to see which book cover your fans liked the most
  86. Remind your fans of what social media platforms they can follow you on.
  87. Ask your fans what social media outlet they use the most
  88. Ask your readers which genre they hate to read and why
  89. Ask your readers what their favorite tv and movie is and why
  90. Ask your readers what their favorite books were growing up and why
  91. Ask your readers to post pictures of their ultimate dream reading nooks
  92. Ask your readers to talk about their favorite book heroes and heroines of all time
  93. Ask your readers to talk about their favorite book villains of all time



For The Writing Community

  1. Write about or feature someone who has been influential in your writing career
  2. Feature writers you network with (Interview them on your blog post, talk about their latest work
  3. List things that help to inspire your writing
  4. Write about what a typical writing day is like for you
  5. Talk about tips, tricks and tools that help keep your writing career organized
  6. What inspires your story ideas and characters
  7. Share advice and lessons learned from writing, completing, publishing and marketing your work
  8. List your long term and short term goals as a writer/author
  9. List your long term and short term goals for marketing your book
  10. Highlight your favorite quotes about writing.
  11. Talk about writing classes
  12. Review writing classes you have taken
  13. Review writing products
  14. Talk about how you can use your favorite TV show as inspiration for characters, plots and scenes.
  15. Talk about how you use music during your writing process.
  16. Review books for writers
  17. List your favorite self help books for writers
  18. List your favorite websites that help writers
  19. Explain how you research for a book
  20. List websites and tools that will help writers research for a book
  21. Talk about future story ideas and how to turn them into actual books
  22. Interview leading members of your industry (agents, editors, publishers, marketers, etc…)
  23. Host an open discussion about the writing industry.
  24. Spotlight great writing articles from other writers/authors/bloggers.
  25. Talk about critique groups and review some
  26. Talk about writing organizations and review some
  27. List your favorite writer blogs
  28. Talk about the query process and any personal experience you have with it.
  29. Explain how you start a new writing project
  30. Explain your marketing strategy.
  31. List tools, websites and businesses that can help writers building a marketing plan
  32. Talk about blog newsletters, their benefits and how to use them.
  33. List your favorite blogging resources and articles
  34. Name the 5 biggest writing distractions in your life right now and talk about ways to deal with them
  35. Talk about flash fiction and how it can help or hinder your writing career.
  36. Update an older popular article with some new information and/or links.
  37. Create a post that lists and groups like minded articles you’ve written in the past
  38. Talk about how to use social media to help promote your books/writing career
  39. Talk about how to throw book parties online
  40. Interview a critic about one of your books and have them explain what they would like to see changed and why
  41. Talk about the art of writing a book blurb
  42. List the best selling books in your genre and why you think they are succeeding
  43. List the best selling authors in your genre and why you think they are succeeding
  44. List the earning potential of authors who use publishers in your genre
  45. Post a list of websites that list writing jobs
  46. Talk about the different types of jobs writers could do and how to find them.
  47. Talk about how to outline a book
  48. Explain your outlining process
  49. Talk about how to run a blog when you are an author/writer
  50. Explain your plans for your blog (current and future plans)
  51. Talk about writer retreats, why to use them and where to find them
  52. Post a review of any writers retreat you’ve gone to along with pictures of your time there
  53. Talk about grants for writers, how to apply for them and where to find them.
  54. Spotlight fellow writers who support and inspire you
  55. Talk about creative writing prompts and how to use them for inspiration
  56. List websites that post creative writing prompts and picture prompts
  57. Talk about keeping a writers journal and a writers notebook and the difference between the two
  58. Talk about writers block and how to prevent it or overcome it
  59. Spotlight helpful writing infographics
  60. Spotlight helpful blogging infographics
  61. Spotlight helpful genre infographics
  62. Talk about mistakes you’ve made with your first MS (unpublished or published)
  63. Talk about how to plan a book signing event
  64. Talk about how to handle bad reviews and how to learn from them as a writer.
  65. Post a funny cartoon about writing
  66. Post a funny GIF about writing
  67. Post a funny song about writing
  68. Post a funny video about writing
  69. Talk about how to throw a launch party (online or in person)
  70. Talk about your brainstorming process
  71. Talk about the benefits of a writing partner and where to find one
  72. Describe how to speed up the writing process
  73. Describe how to speed up the blogging process
  74. Post an encouraging message to writers
  75. Talk about how you can’t sit down and write unless _______
  76. Discuss time management tools for writers
  77. Post a writing schedule
  78. Interview your significant other about your writing career and how they feel about it
  79. List your goals as a writer, blogger, author for the year
  80. Talk about how to find  a literary agent and what to look out for
  81. Talk about how to find a publisher and what to look out for
  82. Talk about how to find an editor
  83. Talk about why a writer would need a literary attorney and how to find one
  84. Make a list of publishers in your genre, what they are looking for and how to submit to them.
  85. Talk about mistakes to avoid in your manuscript
  86. Talk about synopsis and mistakes to avoid with them
  87. Talk about elevator pitches
  88. Talk about how to speak/read in public
  89. Talk about how to come up with character names
  90. List blogging content generators and how to use them
  91. Talk about how to make book trailers
  92. Talk about Web/Blog design tips
  93. Talk about inspiration boards/bulletin boards and how they can help with the writing process
  94. Talk about how to choose a setting for your story
  95. List some exercises/stretches for writers
  96. Talk about the benefits of business cards, where to get them and how to design them
  97. Talk about merchandise and how to design it and where to get it
  98. Talk about author platforms and how to build one
  99. Talk about how to choose a title for your book
  100. Talk about the importance of book covers and how to design one
  101. Talk about writing contests and how they can help your career
  102. Review writing contests
  103. Talk about how to run contests for your fans to drum up business
  104. Share a To-Do list for your daily writing life
  105. Research your genre and talk about what you found
  106. Research the readers in your genre and talk about what you found
  107. Talk about finding niches in your genre and how to use it to gather more readers
  108. Make a list of apps for writers and review them
  109. Talk about podcasts and how to use them/do them
  110. Make a list of pobcasts for writers
  111. Talk about how to come up with idea for blogs
  112. Post a list of blog post ideas 🙂
  113. Talk about book clubs and how they can help your career
  114. Discuss ideas on how to engage your readers/followers/fans
  115. Make a list of authors/writers that have won awards in your genre
  116. Talk about ghostwriting
  117. Post “How To” articles pertaining to writing
  118. Discuss writing/publishing scams and how to avoid them
  119. Talk about the best ways to save, organize and access your favorite articles from the internet
  120. Talk about writing magazines, whether you should invest money into them and how to get deals on them
  121. List great magazines for writers/authors
  122. Discuss how to use astrological signs to create deeper characters
  123. Talk about social media groups, how to find them and how to use them.
  124. Research each popular social media sight and how best to use them for your writing career
  125. Talk about how to promote your books locally
  126. Talk about the importance of using keywords  and which ones to use
  127. Talk about different methods to promote a book
  128. Talk about how to write an “About Me” page
  129. List key items every writer/author should have on their page
  130. Explain SEO for bloggers
  131. Explain analytics
  132. Talk about Google Authorship
  133. Discuss what a book launch team is and how to create and use one
  134. How to host a twitter chat or hangout on
  135. Talk about hashtags and how to create ones for your books
  136. Talk about facebook campaigns
  137. Talk about Google campaigns
  138. Talk about the benefits and disadvantages of creating social media pages for your most popular characters
  139. Talk about street teams, how to form them and how to use them.
  140. Discuss how to make an e-book out of your old blog post articles
  141. Talk about how to get local newspapers, tv programs and radio shows to interview you
  142. What are press releases and media kits and how to make them.
  143. Talk about the benefits of partnering with a brand that is in your niche
  144. The advantages of renting a billboard to advertise your book\
  145. Create a viral video that depicts a scene in your book
  146. Talk about where and how to host a book reading
  147. Talk about places to donate your book and how that will help earn new readers
  148. Talk about the difference between a reader and a fan and who to invest the most money and time in
  149. Talk about book plots and how to build strong ones
  150. Talk about how to build a scene
  151. Talk about how to revise and edit and the difference between the two
  152. Talk about how to write dialogue between characters
  153. Talk about how to write the opposite sex
  154. Talk about the e-book market and how it could benefit your career
  155. Talk about how to write sequels
  156. Talk about how to treat your writing career as a business
  157. Talk about tax deductions available to writers
  158. Talk about legal matters that writers need to be aware of
  159. Talk about how to format a MS
  160. How to craft a perfect hero/heroine
  161. How to craft the perfect villain
  162. Talk about how to identify and connect with your audience
  163. Build a budget and a timeline for marketing your books
  164. Talk about how to present your marketing plans to your publisher
  165. List free sites that will help your promote your book
  166. List websites/programs cost $ but will help your promote your book
  167. Talk about the importance of professional headshots
  168. Learn how to pitch articles
  169. Talk about social media roundup sites and how to use them for your blog and social media platforms
  170. Talk about the different tools amazon has for writers
  171. Talk about how to create your own online writing class
  172. Discuss what blog tours are and how to create one
  173. Talk about travel writing and how to become a travel writer
  174. Discuss how to handle a webcam for the best outcomes
  175. Talk about freelance writing and how to have a career as a freelance writer
  176. What are the different methods of review books and what a professional book review looks like
  177. Talk about how to make money reviewing books
  178. Talk about audio book and whether or not you should invest money into making one for your books
  179. How to make an audio book
  180. Discuss whether or not you should do the reading for your audio book
  181. List of words to use in your writing
  182. List of words to avoid in your writing
  183. How to use your local library to further your writing career
  184. How to become a full time writer
  185. How to juggle a writing career and a full time job
  186. How to juggle a writing career and part time job
  187. How to make money from your website/blog
  188. How to stay on Google search engine’s good side
  189. How to plan everything in your writing career
  190. How to plan everything in your marketing career
  191. How to plan everything in your blogging career
  192. Create a blogging schedule
  193. Create a submitting schedule
  194. Discuss the option of seeking help from your biggest fans to help spread the word of upcoming books


For All Your Followers

  1. Share meaningful moments and photos from past vacations
  2. List things that help inspire your life
  3. Talk about your first ever completed manuscript, how you felt about it then and now, and if it was published.
  4. Talk about your first book that was published, how you felt about it then and now and how well it sold.
  5. Talk about when, how and why you decided to write stories to be published.
  6. Talk about your current WIP’s
  7. List your favorite bookish gifts
  8. Highlight your favorite inspirational quotes
  9. Explain why you have chosen to write in the genre you have written in and whether or not you plan to write in other genres
  10. Talk about the latest news in your industry and genre and give your opinion on it.
  11. Post a philosophical question and your answer to it.
  12. Review movies that were based off of books and talk about whether or not it did the book justice.
  13. Review TV shows that were based off of books and talk about whether or not it did the book justice.
  14. Talk about how you like to write (where you write, when you write, what you wear, if it’s planned or not…)
  15. Talk about your favorite causes (charities) and why they are important to you.
  16. List your favorite books from when you were a child and talk about how you see them as an adult.
  17. List your favorite books this year and why you like them.
  18. List upcoming books you can’t wait to read.
  19. List your favorite book heroes, heroines and villains and why you like them.
  20. Talk about rejection and disappointment and how to handle them.
  21. Describe your ideal writing space.
  22. Describe your ideal home library.
  23. Talk about your favorite kind of character to write about
  24. Talk about your least favorite kind of character to write about
  25. Share your fears and anxieties about your writing career.
  26. Share your hopes and aspirations about your writing career.
  27. Write a short story/flash fiction piece for your blog followers (Break it up into two blog posts)
  28. Take a photo of your work/writing space and talk about it.
  29. talk about a genie grants you 3 wishes to use towards your writing career. What are they and why?
  30. Talk about flash fiction and highlight some of your favorite flash fiction writers
  31. Talk about which authors careers you want the most and why
  32. List the books that are waiting to be read on your kindle
  33. List the books you’ve bought that are sitting on a bookshelf waiting to be read
  34. Talk about your favorite social media outlets and why you like them
  35. Create a list of people from each social media outlet you would recommend other people follow
  36. Throw a book party online with one of your most popular books or with a book that is about to be released
  37. Describe how to throw a themed party from one of your books
  38. Describe how to throw a themed book party in general
  39. Post a soundtrack for your book
  40. Talk about the songs you used while writing a certain book
  41. Pick a trending twitter topic and discuss it on your blog
  42. Post about any events, appearance, or guest blogs you will be doing
  43. Describe your dream launch party
  44. Write about the time you almost gave up on your writing career and what saved it
  45. Talk about the book idea you wish you had thought of first
  46. Talk about a book you wish you could rewrite to make better (yours or someone elses)
  47. Talk about how writing has affected other areas in your life
  48. List some of your favorite book trailers.
  49. Make a list of great first lines from books
  50. Make a list of great endings from books
  51. Take a picture of your inspiration/bulletin board and explain how it helps you
  52. Post a funny video or vine about your work
  53. Talk about your #1 favorite author and what books you like of theirs and why
  54. Write a “Did You Know?” article (post a weird random fact or a fact about your genre or industry)
  55. Share your bucket list
  56. Talk about the types of books you like to read vs the types of books you life to write and explain why
  57. Post something specific to your niche
  58. Make a list of inspirational videos/talks (like TED talks)
  59. Shocking news about your genre
  60. Shocking news about your niche
  61. Highlight past interviews you have done (online, radio, tv)
  62. Make a list of fiction books written by ghostwriters
  63. Talk about how you handle being a parent and a writer (if it pertains to you) or interview someone who is
  64. Talk about controversial topics in your genre
  65. Talk about controversial topics in your niche
  66. Post about an upcoming twitter chat or hangout you are hosting
  67. List author hangouts and interviews found on Google
  68. Post pictures that inspired scenes in one of your books
  69. Write an article highlighting one of your Pinterest boards and explain how and why you use it
  70. Post quote from famous authors, agents, publishers
  71. Post about any upcoming book news you have for your books
  72. Talk about social media roundup sites
  73. The advantages of reading books in your genre
  74. The disadvantages of reading books in your genre
  75. Ask if anyone listens to audio books and what they like or dislike about them
  76. Talk about programs you can suggest to your local library that fit into the genre your write or read in
  77. Interview your kids (or other family members) and ask them how they feel about your writing career
  78. Talk about a genre you secretly want to write in but fear you aren’t able to.


47 responses to “365 Blog Post Ideas for Authors and Writers”

  1. Mishka Jenkins Avatar

    Thank you for these, definitely bookmarking this! 😀

    1. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

      Your welcome! And thanks for the twitter love 🙂

  2. Justine Avatar

    Agree with Mishka. In fact, the Eight Ladies were just discussing what to do when we have an “I don’t have time to write a post” week. I’ll refer them to this often! Thanks!

  3. […] can learn more about my list on Monday where I will post my totally amazing, awe inspiring list of 365 Days of blog post ideas for writers and authors! […]

  4. Mona Avatar

    What an incredible resource of ideas! Thanks a lot. i’m a blogger who committed to blog daily and struggle sometimes to find a topic that’s valuable for my readers. So that’s exactly what I needed!

    1. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

      Hi Mona, thanks for stopping by and checking out the article. I had the same problem last year. The struggle was so real that I kept putting out off writing a blog post till almost the last minute. So i finally took a few days to jot down some ideas. I decided to make a blog post about it because i knew there were other bloggers out there struggling with the same problem.

  5. […] Und natürlich ist es nicht die schlechteste Idee, sich von andern Bloggern inspirieren zu lassen… […]

  6. Therese Kay Avatar

    As I’m preparing to relaunch my blog as an aspiring children’s author, this post is like gold! Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

      Your welcome! Feel free to share with all your blogging friends. 🙂 Just let them know where to find it.

  7. […] 365 Blog Post Ideas for Authors and Writers from Darla G. Denton […]

  8. […] 365 Days of Blog Post Ideas for Authors and Writers by Darla G. Denton […]

  9. […] 365 Days of Blog Post Ideas for Authors and Writers by Darla G. Denton […]

  10. nessafrance Avatar

    Thanks for these helpful tips, to which another writer has just drawn my attention. I often struggle to come up with ideas for posts that I think might interest people, so this is a great resource. Have bookmarked this! 🙂

    1. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

      You’re welcome 🙂 and thank you for taking a moment to let me know. I found that if I had a list to spark an idea for blog posts I never had writers block.

  11. photojaq Avatar

    Reblogged this on Here's How It Happened and commented:
    Darla G. Denton is amazing. She has come up with 365 ideas for blog posts for writers and authors. Perhaps she has had help, but, still, 365? One for each day of the year – except this one, 2016, which is leap year. Maybe I could come up with just ONE for that day on my own. Thanks Darla.

    1. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

      Your welcome! I had help for some of the days through suggestions from other writers but it took me almost a week to come with the rest! Lol

  12. photojaq Avatar

    Thanks for this list! I’m floundering and my turn is coming up on a team writing site – Writers in Residence – and I’m at a loss to think of what to write. I’ll also try to come up with ONE EXTRA, because this year is Leap Year and there are 366 days.

    1. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

      I’ll have to check out Writers in Residence to see what you decide to do 🙂

  13. […] 365 Blog Post Ideas for Authors and Writers […]

  14. EtCee Fraser Avatar

    You are my life-saver today!! I’m working on my first book, a romance set in a small (fictitious) town in Texas, working on getting my website (blog) set up, and have been SUFFERING THE AGONIES OF THE DAMNED about “what to blog about.” I read your post and breathed a huge sigh of relief. Thanks, thanks, and thanks again.

    1. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

      Lol I’m glad I could be of service in your time of need 😉 I can’t wait to read what you put out!

  15. Felita Daniels Avatar

    Darla, this is an excellent list! I have shared it with the authors that are participating in an event coming up. I’m trying to organize a PR tour of sorts for them. It’s called Romancing the Smokies (it’s in TN in March). There’s a free book signing and there’s also a component where you can have lunch and attend some parties with the authors for a fee. I wanted to have some original guest posts from them to share with bloggers so readers could get to know them a little better.

    1. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

      Thank you Felita and thatnk you for sharing it with your other authors. I’m no longer in TN but your PR tour called Romancing the Smokies sounds fun. When you get dates and such let me know and I’ll pass the information along.

  16. K. S. Bertram Avatar

    Reblogged this on K. S. Bertram and commented:
    This is an awesome list that I will definitely be drawing from when I’m looking for blog ideas for my website! Thank you, Darla!

    1. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

      You’re Welcome 🙂

  17. […] Source: 365 Blog Post Ideas for Authors and Writers […]

  18. […] 365 Blog Post Ideas for Authors and Writers (eng) devrait vous donner quelques […]

  19. […] 365 Blog Post Ideas for Authors and Writers (eng) devrait vous donner quelques […]

  20. […] 365 Days of Blog Post Ideas for Authors and Writers by Darla G. Denton […]

  21. […] can learn more about my list on Monday where I will post my totally amazing, awe inspiring list of 365 Days of blog post ideas for writers and authors! […]

  22. Ashley Lovell Author Avatar

    Reblogged this on Ashley Lovell Author and commented:
    I love this blog. It’s helped me out with my own.

    1. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

      Thanks Ashley 🙂

      1. Ashley Lovell Author Avatar

        Your welcome.

    2. photojaq Avatar

      Thanks for this. I’m printing them out and beginning next week for my spot on TheWritersInResidence blog.

  23. ayushi Avatar

    The above is an amazing an helpful post. You can also consider Craft Film School for the better understanding of creative writing. http://www.craftfilmschool.com/course/creative-writing-screenplay-script-dailogue

  24. Patricia J La Vigne Avatar

    Even just skimming through the topics, I am very impressed. Never will I have to struggle for a topic related to writing again, I think. Thank you so much for all these stimulating ideas.

    1. Darla G. Denton, Writer Avatar

      I’m so glad you’ve found it helpful 🙂

  25. Patricia J La Vigne Avatar

    Hi, Darla. I’m new to your site and have to admit it was the 365 Blog ideas that caught my eye. I used to write a blog a week and began to wonder how much more can I write about writing? You have given me a whole new perspective. Thank you for generously sharing these topics. I know I won’t have any more problems wondering what to write.

  26. […] Finally, here comes a post with lots of ideas. Might be that you have already figures out this whole author platform thing but are running low on inspiration. Well, fret no more. Darla G. Denton got you covered with her 365 blog post ideas for writers. […]

  27. David Evans Avatar

    Great post , ive forwarded this to some of my clients who could use the advice

  28. […] you want to change things up a bit, here are a bunch of other handy blog topics that should suit any […]

  29. […] 365 Blog Post Ideas for Authors and Writers […]

  30. […] “365 Blog Post Ideas for Authors and Writers” […]

  31. […] 365 Blog Post Ideas for Authors and Writers […]

  32. Anjali Kushwah Avatar

    So helpful content.

  33. Nicole E Woolaston Avatar

    Thank you for posting this! I’m running a writing blog for the public library where I work and I can always use some fresh ideas.

  34. login yok633 Avatar

    I’m impressed, I have to admit. Rarely do I encounter a blog that’s both educative and interesting, and let
    me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. The issue is
    something which too few folks are speaking intelligently
    about. Now i’m very happy that I found this during my search for something
    relating to this.

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